Missing Classmates
We have found 81% of our classmates, but there are still a lot of people for whom we have no current contact information or they haven't responded to emails, phone calls, texts or Facebook messages. We want EVERYONE to be included! Please check out the list below. If you know any info for someone listed, please click the "Menu" button top right hand of this page and click on "Contact Us" to give us the info. Thanks!
Updated 9/22/2024

Judy Boling Marshall
Van Bullock
Mike Carreras
Mary Clark
Bonnie Collins
Karla Cooper
Patsy Couch
Mark Dembicki
Dora Fields
Mary Ruth Fitzsimmons
Jay Foster
Isabelle Glover Hill
Michael Gresham
Beverly Griffin
Judy Gutherie Peters
Jan Isley
Bruce Jordan
Tony Jordan
Keith Langley
Charlene Lewis
Patty Little
Hoylt Littlefield
Terry Lynne Mahaffey Jordan
Beverly Malone
Roy Marchman
Ricky McDowell
Clara Mott
Rhoda Nafziger
Steve Nafziger
Pam Netzinger
Susan Newberry
Mary Ann Norris
Terry Owens
Laverne Petty
Walter Post
Vickie Ragsdale Burris
Hal Rey
Mark Scarborough
Mary Skinner
Denise Smith
Brenda Staton
Fred Steffens
Joe Sullivan
Debbie Teal
Diane Thomas 
Allen Thornton
Vickie Truett Vanzant
Alvin Turner
Teresa Warren
Mike Watson
John Wendt
Susan White
Kim Williams Krantz
Rodney Wright